kraut atlantik

media anthropology site

dancing in the streets

not with david bowie (though i would not mind dancing with him…) but rather with an amazing, absolutely rad crowd of students & lecturers that have been attending our masterclass in novosibirsk/russia and got heavily involved with ethnographic explorations into the city and conceptualizations of urban spaces.

the workshop has just been followed by an exhibition at the academy of architecture and arts, see the blog for photographs; the gallery as such can be found here.
the whole project will be completed by a workshop lead by choreographer richard siegal and, eventually, the final performance going out dancing in the streets of novosibirsk. perhaps re-enacting the everyday, staging sth., whatever, we will have to wait for richards ideas what to do with the notations and concepts we found during the workshop!

i will soon post a little bit more about the concept and the intentions behind the project. for those multilingual ones try stadt & tanz nowosibirsk to find out more.
the course as well as the whole programm we planned around it, is initiated by the local goethe institute in cooperation with the academy of architecture and arts as well as novosibirsk state university.

thanks to anna and all of you keeping the blog up!

interviews online @ dspace

Crawling the savage minds blog I came across a link that refers to several hundert .mp4 files of interviews and thougths by Paul Rabinow, Marylin Strathern, Jean and John Comaroff amongst others at Cambridge Social Anthropology’s DSpace.
A warning goes that the files are quite big. In this case it seems that transcriptions are available. However, it is a valuable source. See the post at
savage minds or go directly to the DSpace archive

paris goes paparazzo

have we heard about the concept of reverse anthropology lately? or that of reverse media anthropology? seems twitter gives us a change to investigate this a little closer. however, paris hilton enjoys it. hopefully she will keep the distance and not do the britney thing! (could this be considered ‘going native’ then?) xoxo

Paparazzi stalking us @ Hotel Du Cap on Twitpic

futures of modernity

ludwig maximilian university, munich, celebrates ulrich beck’s 60th birthday


a symposium in honour of ulrich beck. speakers are arjun appadurai, bruno latour, zygmunt bauman, navid kermani and others.

topics will be





the event is free, it just needs registration. for further information see their homepage

abenteuer ausland

vielen dank an den djv für die orga der lesung im leipziger horns erben! es ist immer wieder spannend, die reaktionen auf eine ethnographie zu erleben und positiv überraschend zu sehen, dass ethnographien wohl doch ganz spannend sein können. chapeau für die spannenden fragen von seiten der anwesenden mephisto-crew. viel spaß und erfolg bei eurer tour gen osten! die mephisto-crew ist inzwischen schon seit einigen tagen unterwegs, das abenteuer osteuropa mit dem daumen im wind und weit offenen augen zu erleben.

nähere infos, berichte und live-ticker finden sich unter mephisto 97.6 trampt gen osten. unbedingt rein klicken! .

basic_bg07.05.09, 20:00Uhr

DJV Sachsen & Mephisto 97.6 präsentieren

Lesung & Diskussion: Nachrichtenwelten

Eine Veranstaltung der Reihe „Mein Buch – Journalisten als Autoren“.

obama und die neo-cons

…oder die these, dass obama der erste neo-conservative präsident der vereinigten staaten von amerika ist… am beispiel der politischen position des neuen us-amerikanischen präsidenten eine ebenso kurze wie klare erörterung darüber, warum wir in deutschland die demokraten in den staaten eher mögen als die republikaner (respektive die konservativen) und warum wir das immer durcheinander werfen.

diese perspektivenverschiebung leistet alan posener Read the rest of this entry »


weathertalk_march… or the end of the digital age. and the return to collaboration and the – listen up – »real world«.

Yesterday at »less rain« /talk about the weather British designer Loki English presented his ideas on future directions in interaction design. He announced the a post-digital age. Why is that?

Following Loki – we get bored too easily floating around in the virtual world, attention spans are too short to really get involved with things – or even honour the designers’ hard work. Enough of that – Get involved instead! Participate in the real world! Charmingly he recommends Read the rest of this entry »

News Manual’s guide to journalism basic

Media Helping Media – a free, global resource for media development’ offers free journalism training resources. The modules can be found on their page or by simply clicking the various links below. There you will find the introduction and the first seven chapters of The News Manual’s guide to journalism basics

Journalism – Basic techniques
Chapter 1: What is news?
Chapter 2: What is a journalist?
Chapter 3: The shape of the news story
Chapter 4: Writing the intro in simple steps
Chapter 5: Writing the intro, the golden rules
• etc…

Media Helping Media (MHM) is a network involved in the worldwide development of journalism and a free press

top 100 internet sources on anthropology has compiled a list of various anthropology related blogs and websites. you can find this list of useful links on their website

for a critique on the anglo-centric bias and further links see open anthropology.